...teaching us a valuable lesson.求主更新我们的思想,不再吃分辨善恶树的果子,一遇到难处,心就消化,自保、埋怨责怪、发怒、恨神恨人、自遭倒霉,Please renew our minds, so we no longer consume the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, becomin...
...的迟钝,当神在训练我生命更像你的时候,我却吃了分辨善恶树的果子,Lord, please forgive my sins and the slowness of my faith. As God trained my life to resemble Christ’s, I have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.到了环境就去讲理由对错...
...the schemes of the evil one that lead to judgement. 不愿意再分辨善恶,开始在寻求神旨意上,认识神的美好。这是一个争战与受苦的阶段。They stop distinguishing between good and evil on their own and begin to see the beauty of God as they seek His will. This is ...