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...n. You are with those who obey Your commands!求圣灵断开我里面判断善恶,做事的律,心中尊主为大,信而听从圣灵的引导,成为你合用的器皿,成就神国的旨意和计划!I ask the Holy Spirit to break the laws of judging good and evil and doing things in me. I...
发表于 2024-07-31 20:33:29

...十字架来拯救我们,祂把生命都给了我们,一切的智慧、知识、能力都在祂里面藏着。We give thanks to Jesus, who came to save us through the cross, giving His life for us. In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and power. 圣灵是赐人智慧和启...
发表于 2024-11-08 19:05:49

...我意,我就发怒、仇恨、不饶恕。我在服事谁呢?是我的善恶对错、喜好,还是神的公义、怜悯、圣洁?我看重建筑物和器皿超过了神,不知不觉成了我偶像?When I go to church, do I also desire to make it splendid, with beautiful objects, flawles...
发表于 2024-05-22 02:29:09

...t through to the end.主啊,求主赦免我们到了环境就吃了分辨善恶的果子,凭了眼见,心就消化,吃的日子就死掉了。O Lord, we pray for Your forgiveness for those times when, confronted with circumstances, we have partaken of the fruit of the tree of the knowledg...
发表于 2024-08-16 19:14:42

...自己的感觉感受,眼见耳闻,自保,体贴肉体,吃了分辨善恶的果子,吃的日子就与神隔绝了。May the Lord forgive our sin of unbelief. We always believe in our own feelings and feelings in the environment, see and hear, protect ourselves, indulge in the flesh, eat...
发表于 2025-03-09 19:24:34

...欢听新鲜的道理,聚会每场必到,甚至以自己知道很多的知识为可夸的,被迷惑至深,还以这知识为生命了。Lord, please forgive us for liking to listen to new doctrines, attending every meeting, and even boasting of our knowledge. We are deeply deceived and regar...
发表于 2024-11-14 19:05:20

...quo;s righteous life.主啊,求你赦免我的忘恩作恶,吃了分辨善恶的果子,随便犯罪,轻忽这份救恩,Lord, please forgive my ingratitude and wrongdoing—the times I have eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, sinned carelessly, neglected ...
发表于 2024-11-17 21:55:58

主啊,求你赦免…今天教会许多事务…靠经验知识人手…用研究…讨论…开会…来决定…却没求问你…没尊你为首…自己作王的罪… 主啊,求你恢复我们…让教会回到起初…凡事求...
发表于 2022-03-15 00:15:48

发表于 2022-04-06 00:13:49

发表于 2022-04-13 22:42:10
