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...r to Him wholeheartedly, regard Him as God, respect Him as great, 不分辨善恶,谦卑、做小,顺服祂所赐的每一个环境,放下自己的权力,只愿祂的旨意成就,祂就作我们的盾牌,do not distinguish between good and evil, remain humble, submit to every situation H...
发表于 2024-09-22 19:40:52

... reflection of my own sinfulness.求圣灵治死我里面自己做神判断善恶的律,使我思想耶稣的拯救,悔改自己的罪,得着耶稣的爱,饶恕、爱仇敌,交托等候神,使身边的人也看到神的作为,归向主。I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death the self-r...
发表于 2024-10-16 18:54:15

...谨守口舌,没有勒住自己的心,随从自己的眼见耳闻判断善恶,嘴巴不停地抱怨、论断、争辩,做出不信、负面的宣告,被自己嘴巴的话缠住,落在仇敌的欺压之中。Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I failed to guard my tongue or restr...
发表于 2024-11-20 19:01:23

...l always be in my mouth. 神的旨意何等良善,人凭自己判断善恶,又怎能明白呢?一切都是出于神。若没有神的许可,我们一根头发也不能掉在地上。神掌管万有。How good is God's will!How can people understand it by judging good and evil by thems...
发表于 2024-08-07 19:53:51

...意思成就,要让身边的人听我的,遇到事情如神一样判断善恶,审判别人…Lord, when I choose to act according to my own lusts, only wanting my own will to be accomplished, let the people around me listen to me, and judge good and evil and judge others like God does whe...
发表于 2024-07-08 19:42:58

...d release faith within me. 奉主耶稣的名破除我里面一切的判断善恶、贫穷、贪婪、恐惧、羞耻…的辖制和捆绑,In the name of Jesus, I break every stronghold and bondage of judgment, poverty, greed, fear, and shame within me. 真知道我所信的是谁, 你的...
发表于 2024-11-15 19:09:29

...没有比这个更大的。圣灵,求你掌管我,停住自己的判断善恶,定意与里面的旧思想,旧观念和坚固的营垒争战,Lord, there is no greater joy for you than when your children walk according to the truth. Holy Spirit, please take control of me, stop my judgment of...
发表于 2024-07-22 20:03:28

...主赦免我是何等的愚昧,因着不信神的话,信自己的判断善恶,离弃神自行,把自己陷在咒诅之中…I complain, become bitter, and act on my own… Please forgive me, Lord. How foolish I am, because I don't believe in God's words, I believe in my own judgmen...
发表于 2024-07-17 18:30:14

...peared was to destroy the devil’s work.我们常常如神一样分辨善恶,凭眼见凭耳闻,吃的日子就必定死死,灵魂与主隔绝。We often distinguish between good and evil like God, based on what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. The day we eat, we will sur...
发表于 2024-12-17 19:11:20

...elp me pay the price!主啊,更新我的心思意念,不再自己判断善恶,使我寻求你的旨意,全心信靠顺服。Lord, renew my mind and heart so that I no longer judge good and evil for myself, so that I can seek your will and trust and obey with all my heart. 出于神的都是...
发表于 2024-06-25 11:04:03
