...orious dawn, the stone was rolled away, the tomb was empty. 照着耶稣所预言的,照着经上的话,耶稣复活了!耶稣复活了!Just as Jesus had foretold, just as it is written in the scriptures, Jesus has risen! Jesus has risen! 人类历史上最惊天动地的大好消息是:Th...
...你们杀了生命的主,是出于你们不知,但神藉众先知的口预言基督将要受害,这一切都是应验神的话,神却叫他从死里复活,并为这事作见证。” Peter said, "You killed the Author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this....
... melt in the heat. 神是何等威严圣洁的主,在旧约,曾叫洪水临到那不敬虔的世代,惟有挪亚全家得救,What a majestic and holy Lord God is. In the Old Testament, He sent a flood upon the ungodly generation, but only Noah’s family was saved.又判定所多玛...
... received the message rejoicing, and the gospel spread further. 先知预言耶稣为救罪人要做代罪的羔羊,他道成肉身,降卑来到地上,The prophet foretold that Jesus would be the sacrificial lamb to save sinners. The Word became flesh, humbling Himself to come to earth....
...是大卫的临终之言,并不是出于他自己,而是从神而来的预言。These are the final words of David, not spoken from himself, but as a prophecy from God. 大卫年少时,不被父母重视,却被神所拣选。被膏立作王之后,迎接他的却是逃亡。In his youth, Da...
...ch suffering, shame, rejection, and was crucified! 这也是耶稣三次所预言的。This was also foretold by Jesus three times.万王之王,万主之主,神的爱子,不断地被人用苇子打头,被吐唾沫,被戏弄,被嘲讽,被钉死,却默默无声,毫无怨恨苦毒,...