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... because I would protect myself from being hurt.耶稣预先知道我们的本相,还是不后悔走下荣耀的宝座,不后悔为我们的罪走上十架,不后悔用祂自己的生命换我们的生命…Jesus knew our true nature in advance, but He still did not regret stepping down f...
发表于 2025-01-21 22:45:48

...sp;阿们!行义的才是义人,正如主是义的一样。照我们的本相,都是卖给罪的。外在的好行为,不能叫我们成为义人。Amen! Only those who practise righteousness are righteous, just as the Lord is righteous. In our natural state, we are all sold to sin. Outward...
发表于 2024-12-17 06:04:55

...你就责备管教,借着大卫的失败,让我们看到了自己肉体本相的罪性和软弱,体贴肉体就是死,Lord, You rebuke and discipline those You love. Through David's failure, we can see the sinfulness and weakness of our flesh. To indulge in the flesh is death.离开了神就...
发表于 2024-09-03 19:22:39

...往普天下去见证你的救恩!主啊,带领我牢牢记住自己的本相,时时感恩你的赦免和拯救,Yes, Lord, we are all sold into sin. You saved us first in order to use us to witness Your salvation throughout the world! Lord, lead me to remember who I am and to always be grate...
发表于 2024-12-04 22:55:28

...何等浩大!这恩召有何等的指望!主啊,让我记得自己的本相,是何等的不配!Lord, how great is Your salvation! What hope is in this calling! Lord, let me remember my true self, how unworthy I am!我要向你献上感恩,我的生命属于你,我一生要为你而活!...
发表于 2024-08-05 20:37:14

...存,keeping my breath alive,生命还在,my life intact,因感恩不忘本相,I should be grateful and never forget my true nature, 活出你真儿子的生命。and be living out the life of Your true Son. 主啊,我因著耶稣十架的救恩而成为你的儿女...
发表于 2024-03-27 19:06:07

...for God is holy. 非圣洁,没有人能见神的面!主啊,照我们的本相,只配得被击杀,因为我们从里到外,满身是罪污。凭着自己,我们永远无法靠近你。Without holiness, no one can see the face of God! O Lord, in our own state, we deserve to be struck down,...
发表于 2024-10-07 20:25:58

...are the spoils with the 200 who did not participate in the battle.罪人的本相是只看到自己的付出,不肯把好处给别人。The nature of sinners is to focus only on their own efforts and not to extend benefits to others.但是大卫深知,这一切的战利品是神所赐的,若...
发表于 2024-08-18 20:06:24

...竟敢论断别人呢?求主圣灵时时提醒我,不可忘记自己的本相,自己如何被怜悯,也要如此怜悯和我一样软弱的人。Yes, who am I to judge my neighbor? May the Holy Spirit continually remind me not to forget my true self—how I have been shown...
发表于 2024-11-26 22:53:50

...历了神的真实,心里却暗暗地归荣耀给自己,忘了自己的本相,是何等的赤贫、瞎眼、无知…是你舍己的爱拯救了我。Lord, forgive me for secretly giving glory to myself after experiencing the truth of God, forgetting my own poverty, blindness, and ignoran...
发表于 2024-04-26 19:24:39
