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...震、干旱、洪水…都是神所掌管的!为何神允许这些灾难发生?Famine, plagues, earthquakes, droughts, and floods are all under God's sovereign control! Why does God allow these disasters to happen? 申命记二十八章中,祝福与咒诅的话语,何等真实!我们...
发表于 2024-09-13 19:48:27

...elievers to be cautious, alert, and prayerful, so as not to be deceived.在末后的日子有敌基督的要来,现在已经有好些敌基督已经出来了,约翰向信徒指明敌基督的特征:是从基督徒中间出去的、不是属我们的、说谎的、不认耶稣为基督的、不...
发表于 2024-12-10 22:30:21

...同在,都经历死里复活的复兴,病得医治,神迹彰显,让末后的荣耀大过先前的荣耀,May Your church be filled with the presence of God, experiencing the revival of resurrection, healing the sick, manifesting miracles, so that the latter glory surpasses the former,因你...
发表于 2024-05-29 19:43:37

... victory. 主啊,谢谢你把我们放在得胜的地位上,在这末后黑暗的时代,立定心志,不做逃兵,不当败将,Lord, thank You for placing us in a position of victory. In these dark times, we must be determined not to be deserters or defeated generals. 我们愿意...
发表于 2024-09-29 18:59:04

...teous as well as to the unjust. What a long-suffering love! 主啊,在这末后的日子,让我们以你的心为心,用你的爱去爱,为着许多还不认识你、拒绝你的灵魂祈求,Lord, in these last days, let us take Your heart as our heart, love with Your love, and pray for th...
发表于 2024-06-28 18:39:06
