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耶稣肉身虽是拿撒勒穷木匠,却是神智慧和圣灵能力化身。Although Jesus was a poor carpenter in Nazareth in the flesh, He was the embodiment of God’s wisdom and the power of the Holy Spirit.耶稣也正是以智慧圣灵指正人罪,引来逼迫,被恨被杀&...
发表于 2024-05-17 02:07:51

...母耳预先宣告了三个兆头,显明是神拣选了扫罗做以色列王。The Israelites wanted to have a king. Samuel announced three signs in advance, indicating that God had chosen Saul to be the king of Israel.神仍然在掌权!当神灵感动扫罗时,他就跟先知一同受...
发表于 2024-07-10 19:59:30

这是主耶稣在升天之前赐给所有信祂之人应许。主应许神迹必显在那些信祂人身上。This is the promise that the Lord Jesus gave to all those who believe in Him before ascending into heaven. The Lord promised that signs will accompany those who believe in Him. ...
发表于 2024-04-02 18:36:01

...以色列人全家都倾向耶和华。以色列民在这些年间拜外邦神和亚斯她录,得罪耶和华,神公义使他们倍受仇敌欺压。After twenty years, all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord. During these years, the Israelites had worshipped foreign gods and Ashto...
发表于 2024-07-04 21:34:33

...我们常说:主啊,我爱你!怎样才是爱神?不是凭自己说。真理标准是:遵守神诫命,就是爱他了。于是,看到神命令,要奉献,于是把钱财献上;We often say: Lord, I love You! But what does it mean to love the God of Love? It’s not...
发表于 2024-12-30 23:59:43

...but courageously moved forward by relying on the Lord.约拿单因着对神信靠,和拿兵器少年人一同去击杀非利士人。Because of his faith in God, Jonathan, along with his young armour-bearer, went to attack the Philistines.因着信,就必看见神荣耀,神使地震...
发表于 2024-07-18 20:02:52

发表于 2022-01-22 21:14:53

听了神话去行是聪明人…愚拙不行道…老我养大…圣灵很小…不能成为光照亮自己和他人…将来关在门外… 每个环境叫己死…倒空自己…警醒祷告…对付里面懒惰…安逸…责怪&h...
发表于 2022-01-30 22:42:07

主啊,你说必成就!为什么在我身上…教会…众教会预定还没有成就呢?… 求主赦免,每个我顺从肉体意念都拦阻了你意旨成就…你却还那么慈爱地对我,没有计算我恶,扶持带领我… ...
发表于 2022-02-23 23:58:11

主啊,众人旧皮袋不能接受彼得做法…但看到神作为就不言语了… 主啊,求你提醒我,当我看到什么事不明白时候…不去顺从看不惯和心中言语…嘀咕论断… 叫我谦卑下来…求问神…靠...
发表于 2022-03-10 22:39:49
