...er lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 爱里没有惧怕,完全的爱能把惧怕赶出去。完全的爱,是来自于神。There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out fear. Perfect love comes from God. 真知道神的爱何等长阔高深,天父甚至舍了独生儿子,将...
耶稣被捕以后,彼得怕的要死,三次不认主,耶稣受难后,因怕犹太人,门徒们都躲了起来。After Jesus was arrested, Peter was terrified and denied knowing the Lord three times. After Jesus' crucifixion, the disciples all hid because they feared the Jewish authoritie...
神拣选了雅各,是神的主权,神要恩待谁就恩待谁。God chose Jacob, which is God’s sovereignty. God will show favour to whomever He wants to show favour.神知道万人的心,在祂没有不义。God knows the hearts of all people, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.&n...
信主之后,我们知道什么是罪,什么是神所喜悦的,于是我们想要改变,想要遵行神的命令。After believing in the Lord, we come to know what sin is and what pleases God, so we desire to change and obey God’s commands.然而实际生活中,屡次失败,屡...
大卫一生最明显的特点就是凡事求问耶和华,每一步都问,只信神说的,他知道人的意念是虚妄的。David's most notable characteristic throughout his life was seeking the Lord’s counsel in all matters. He consulted God at every step, believing only in what God...
...,赐下丰收,救我们脱离饥荒…显然,神不会听这样的祷告。In times of famine, how should we pray? "Lord, have mercy on us, grant us a bountiful harvest, and deliver us from famine." However, clearly, God may not respond to such prayers. 大卫因连续三年的饥荒求...