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发表于 2022-04-28 22:56:14

当大卫因数点人数事惹神忿怒后,他按先知迦得话在耶布斯人亚劳拿禾场为耶和华神筑了一座坛,好使瘟疫能够止息。When David provoked God's wrath by counting the people, he built an altar to the Lord God on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jeb...
发表于 2024-10-03 18:57:18

...aten and mocked, or even when He was crucified. 但在此时,他却大声喊着说:“我神,我神!为什么离弃我 ?”But at this moment, He cried out loudly, saying, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"耶和华使我们众人罪孽都归在他身上,神...
发表于 2024-03-25 17:27:57

...利亚向以色列军挑战,军兵都惊恐害怕,大卫爱主,为主名自告奋勇去迎战。Goliath challenged the Israelite army, and the soldiers were terrified, but David loved the Lord and volunteered to fight in His name. 扫罗对大卫说:“你不能去与那非利士人...
发表于 2024-07-28 19:59:23

大卫在急难环境中,呼求神,一次次经历了神拯救,更使他认识到神是谁!患难中经历神真实,使他信心加增,凡事求告神,更知神是配得赞美!David called upon God in times of crisis and experienced God’s salvation again and again,...
发表于 2024-09-16 19:27:33

...立扫罗为王,我后悔了,因为他转去不跟从我,不遵守我命令(11节)。God said “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions.(Ver 11) ”这里却说:以色列大能者必不至说谎,也...
发表于 2024-07-24 20:05:26

大卫长子暗嫩因他心里没有神,交友不慎,又贪恋美色,带来家族纷争和不幸。David's eldest son, Amnon, brought strife and misfortune to his family because he had no God in his heart, made careless friends, and was greedy for beauty.他为自己一时情欲满...
发表于 2024-09-05 20:00:51

...、被害,但祂定意去到耶路撒冷,顺服至死,只为成就神旨意。Jesus foretold three times that He would suffer, be humiliated, and be killed in Jerusalem. Yet, He resolutely went to Jerusalem, obedient unto death, solelyto fulfill God's will.保罗明知道前面有患难和...
发表于 2024-06-20 22:33:25

神允许急难突然临到,雪上加霜,跟随他人还要用石头打死他,试炼大卫心。God allowed sudden calamity to befall David, compounding his distress. Even his own followers sought to stone him, testing his heart. 大卫因心坚定倚靠耶和华,胜过看环境,看...
发表于 2024-08-16 19:14:42

...performed so many miracles, yet he was crucified on the cross.  围观百姓、祭司长和文士,都在讥诮、嘲讽、戏弄耶稣。The onlookers, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law all mocked, ridiculed, and scorned Jesus. “他救了别人,不能救自己,如果...
发表于 2024-03-24 18:32:02
