这是主耶稣在升天之前赐给所有信祂之人的应许。主应许神迹必显在那些信祂的人身上。This is the promise that the Lord Jesus gave to all those who believe in Him before ascending into heaven. The Lord promised that signs will accompany those who believe in Him. ...
...以色列人全家都倾向耶和华。以色列民在这些年间拜外邦的神和亚斯她录,得罪耶和华,神的公义使他们倍受仇敌欺压。After twenty years, all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord. During these years, the Israelites had worshipped foreign gods and Ashto...
...我们常说:主啊,我爱你!怎样才是爱神?不是凭自己说的。真理的标准是:遵守神的诫命,就是爱他了。于是,看到神的命令,要奉献,于是把钱财献上;We often say: Lord, I love You! But what does it mean to love the God of Love? It’s not...
...but courageously moved forward by relying on the Lord.约拿单因着对神的信靠,和拿兵器的少年人一同去击杀非利士人。Because of his faith in God, Jonathan, along with his young armour-bearer, went to attack the Philistines.因着信,就必看见神的荣耀,神使地震...
...了。但是神作为发起人,主动与大卫立约,赐下极其丰富的应许:David wanted to build a temple for God, but God refused. However, as the initiator, God took the initiative to make a covenant with David and granted him exceedingly rich promises: 使大卫作王;与他同在...