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为何要行道呢?雅各说:“因为听道而不行道,就像人对着镜子看自己本来面目,看见,走后,随即忘了他相貌如何。” Why do we need to do what it says? James said, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it say...
发表于 2024-11-14 19:05:20

从前门徒跟着道成肉身耶稣,听天国福音,看耶稣行神迹。In the past, the disciples followed Jesus, the incarnate Word, listened to the gospel of the kingdom, and witnessed Jesus performing miracles. 如今耶稣从死里复活,回到天父那里,并把大使命...
发表于 2024-04-06 16:17:53

使徒约翰称自己是:耶稣所爱那门徒,约翰经历过道成肉身耶稣爱;最后晚餐上,耶稣为门徒洗脚,赐下彼此相爱命令;he apostle John called himself: the disciple whom Jesus loved. John experienced the love of the incarnate Jesus; at the last...
发表于 2024-12-18 20:21:51

耶稣一步一步奔向神旨意,为罪人背着沉重十字架,Jesus, step by step, pressed on towards the will of God, bearing the weighty cross for the sake of sinners, 受尽罪人凌辱,百姓在那里观看并讥笑、戏弄、辱骂他,摇着头说:enduring their scorn an...
发表于 2024-03-21 18:53:04

...dash;He is completely holy and righteous. 旧约里,祭司要借着牛羊血才能到神面前,带着罪会被击杀,因为神是圣洁。In the Old Testament, the priests could only come before God through the blood of bulls and goats; anyone who came with sin would be struck down, for ...
发表于 2024-10-07 20:25:58

亚当被赶出伊甸园时候;"When Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden;以色列人被交在仇敌手中时;when the Israelites were delivered into the hands of their enemies;我们落在咒诅中绝望时,when we found ourselves in despair under the curse,都感到被神弃绝了...
发表于 2024-03-26 17:52:44

彼得劝勉我们,神呼召我们,原是要我们为行善而受苦,为着神缘故学习顺服、谦卑、舍己,操练心默默无声,将伸冤主权交给按公义审判人主。Peter exhorts us that God’s purpose in calling us is for us to suffer for doing goo...
发表于 2024-10-15 18:22:41

祭司以利因为纵容儿子亵渎神祭物和神殿,便受了神咒诅。Eli the priest was cursed by God because he allowed his son to blaspheme God’s sacrifices and God’s temple.他重看他儿子过于重看神。因此神向他发怒,He honoured his son more than ...
发表于 2024-06-30 19:25:43

主,你是教会全体首,可如今…你每天还在昼夜代祷…洗脚…打扫我们心殿…背负我们重担…作我仆人… 主啊,治死我里面讲资格…争大…抢功…不服…想“高”...“...
发表于 2022-01-01 07:48:42

主啊,我心在为什么焦急?......没钱?没房?没人重视我关心我?牛、羊、鸽子?世俗缠累……主,你为你殿、你教会……心里焦急如火烧……  求主赦免我,叫我不要徒受宝血恩惠&he...
发表于 2022-01-05 22:47:46
