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...ejected Samuel.神说他们不是厌弃撒母耳,而是厌弃神作他们王。神有丰富怜悯,照以色列人所求成就了。撒母耳因此也要从士师位置上退下来。God said that they did not reject Samuel, but they rejected God as their King. God is rich in mercy an...
发表于 2024-07-15 20:09:47

耶稣被出卖,被交在人里,受许多苦,受羞辱,受弃绝,且要被钉上十字架!Jesus was betrayed, handed over to men, endured much suffering, shame, rejection, and was crucified! 这也是耶稣三次所预言。This was also foretold by Jesus three times.万王之王...
发表于 2024-03-20 18:48:50

以色列人犯罪且心怀二意,他们既拜真神又拜外邦神,因此神荣耀离开他们,神将他们交给非利士人。The Israelites sinned and were double-minded. They worshipped both the true God and foreign gods, so the glory of God left them, and God handed them over to t...
发表于 2024-07-07 19:17:39

哪里有生命馨香,哪里就是基督彰显!但哪里有死尸臭气,哪里就充满魔鬼作为....哪里有苦毒嫉妒、比较“他有....我没有....” “给他?不给我?” 哪里有苦毒嫉妒争竞, 哪里就是死尸臭气,哪里就...
发表于 2022-01-27 00:16:04

主啊,不在神话里认识神…以为“我知道”…靠自己,拼命讨好…不靠祷告运用圣灵能力…内心抱怨苦毒恨人…外面劳苦…行为不能换来神你对我怜悯…… 不如我现在就起来…与...
发表于 2022-02-01 00:28:50

...啊,感谢你让我看见…老我、天然、旧观念、拜自己邪情私欲…就是我“本地、亲族”… 求你带领我与在老自己里建立起来“本地、亲族”里…舒服、安逸、不冒险、旧习惯…争战…竭...
发表于 2022-02-28 23:26:20

主啊,你是光,今天你灵在我里面,叫我不顺从恼怒…斤斤计较…忧虑…骄傲等黑暗… 而是叫我顺从你饶恕…爱人如己…顺从你话而想、而行…就是顺从光…活出光生命… 原来你立...
发表于 2022-03-15 23:29:05

...告神,神就在这日打雷降雨,使以色列人知道他们求立王事,是在耶和华面前犯大罪了。Samuel prayed to God, and God sent thunder and rain that day, so that the Israelites knew they had committed a great sin before the Lord by asking for a king. 众民便甚惧怕神...
发表于 2024-07-13 03:15:47

...彼得说,神不偏待人,在各国之中,凡事敬畏主,行义路人都为主所悦纳。Peter said that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.神藉着爱子耶稣基督,在十字架上成就了救恩,将真道传...
发表于 2024-05-28 19:49:43

雅各教导我们,务要在主面前自卑,知道自己是谁?主是谁?James teaches us to humble ourselves before the Lord, to understand who we are and who the Lord is.回到自己受造本位,听命于神,顺服神一切带领,学习基督品格。真知道自己只...
发表于 2024-11-26 22:53:50
