使徒约翰跟随道成肉身的耶稣三年半,他的生命因与耶稣相交而改变。他将自己亲眼看过,亲耳听过,亲手摸过的,见证出来,传递给我们。神就是光,在他毫无黑暗!The Apostle John followed Jesus in the flesh for three and a half years, and ...
保罗提出了一个震撼人心的问题:“谁能使我们与基督的爱隔绝呢?” Paul posed a powerful and soul-stirring question: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”这并不是一个等待回答的问题,而是一个充满信心的宣告—...
...无论是谁,无论在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪。因为论断人的,自己所行和别人一样,同样落在审判之下。Whoever judges others, no matter what, condemns themselves in the same way. Those who judge others commit the same actions and will also f...
主耶稣已经指示门徒,跟随耶稣的会为祂的名受逼迫。当被拉去见官时,圣灵会赐当说的话。Jesus had instructed His disciples that those following Him would face persecution for His name's sake. When brought before authorities, the Holy Spirit would provide the words...
...em.扫罗被非利士人剥了军装,割下首级,尸身被钉在伯珊的城墙上。Saul was stripped of his armour by the Philistines, his head was cut off, and his body was nailed to the wall of Bethshan.基列雅比中间所有的勇士,走了一夜,冒着生命危险,将扫罗和他...