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门徒在耶稣升天之后,他们领受责备悔改,带着他们大使命,存着盼望和信心,踏出传福音脚步。After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples received the commission to preach repentance, carrying their great mission with hope and faith, stepping out to spre...
发表于 2024-04-05 18:45:32

...o hunt down David again. The battle was immense.大卫再次面临一个新考试,大卫在洞中有机会杀扫罗时候,却没有下手杀他,而是割下扫罗外袍衣襟,David faced a new test once more. When David had the opportunity to kill Saul in the cave, he chose not to, ...
发表于 2024-08-11 20:17:50

...耶和华为他们立王来管理他们,把自己陷入不义,承受罪代价,苦不堪言,The people, due to their lack of reverence for God, asked the Lord to appoint a king to rule over them, leading themselves into unrighteousness and suffering the consequences of their sin.几乎丧...
发表于 2024-07-16 20:37:16

...会逼迫越大,神迹奇事越多,教会复兴被圣灵充满,爱主人更愿意与主亲近,和圣灵有好关系,他们放下自己吃喝权力,为要得着圣灵更大能力,为主而去。The greater the persecution of the church, the more miracles and wonders occur. The ...
发表于 2024-05-31 20:11:09

发表于 2024-04-08 18:43:34

彼得反复呼唤,亲爱弟兄啊,能体会他爱神子民心切,唤醒我们沉睡灵,不再荒废度日,时候到了现在就是了,要积极预备自己,迎接主再来。Peter’s repeated calls, dear brothers, show his eagerness to love God’s people, ...
发表于 2024-11-05 18:01:43

大卫和跟随他人回到洗革拉,不料,城已烧毁,他们妻子儿女都被掳去了。When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive.在巨大灾难中,这些身经百战勇士一起放声大哭...
发表于 2024-08-15 19:50:24

以利两个儿子是恶人,他们使神子民厌弃给耶和华献祭。Eli's two sons were wicked men who turned God's people away from offering sacrifices to the LORD.以利听到儿子们风声不好,虽去劝勉,却不管用。Eli heard the bad news about his sons, and although ...
发表于 2024-06-28 18:39:06

大卫临终之言中,一一数点那些曾与他一同出死入生勇士。In David's final words, he recounted the names of the mighty warriors who had risked their lives with him in battle. 当大卫想喝家乡伯利恒城门旁井水时,有三个勇士冒死打了水。When David ...
发表于 2024-10-01 19:08:12
