这些神迹不是我们天然人的特异功能,而是属天国度得胜黑暗权势的权能。These miracles are not the natural abilities of ordinary people, but the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven that has triumphed over the powers of darkness.耶稣说:‘我实实在在地告诉...
使徒约翰称自己是:耶稣所爱的那门徒,约翰经历过道成肉身的耶稣的爱;最后的晚餐上,耶稣为门徒洗脚,赐下彼此相爱的命令;he apostle John called himself: the disciple whom Jesus loved. John
experienced the love of the incarnate Jesus; at the last...
耶稣一步一步奔向神的旨意,为罪人背着沉重的十字架,Jesus, step by step, pressed on towards the will of God, bearing the weighty cross for the sake of sinners, 受尽罪人的凌辱,百姓在那里观看并讥笑、戏弄、辱骂他,摇着头说:enduring their scorn an...
...dash;He is completely holy and righteous. 旧约里,祭司要借着牛羊的血才能到神面前,带着罪会被击杀,因为神是圣洁的。In the Old Testament, the priests could only come before God through the blood of bulls and goats; anyone who came with sin would be struck down, for ...