...em.扫罗被非利士人剥了军装,割下首级,尸身被钉在伯珊的城墙上。Saul was stripped of his armour by the Philistines, his head was cut off, and his body was nailed to the wall of Bethshan.基列雅比中间所有的勇士,走了一夜,冒着生命危险,将扫罗和他...
扫罗一再违背神的命令,畏惧人不畏惧神,神的灵离开了他。Saul repeatedly disobeyed God's commands, fearing men instead of God, and the Spirit of God left him. 这次非利士军队来袭却令扫罗十分恐惧,心中发颤。When the Philistine army attacked, Saul was ver...
神呼召保罗要为他的名必须受许多的苦,他领受异象,靠着圣灵大有信心和勇气,不怕被犹太人用石头打、不怕逼迫下监,为了福音他不顾性命。God called Paul to suffer many things for His name. Paul received visions and empowered by the Holy Spirit,...
...人对抗,只跟主祷告…只是求主鉴察,表明他们对神的信靠…The apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, preached and performed miracles. Instead of receiving praise from the Sanhedrin, they were arrested, intimidated, and persecuted. The disciples endured with...
当耶稣被捕时,彼得把大祭司仆人的耳朵砍掉了,接下来他三次不认主。When Jesus was arrested, Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant and later denied Him three times.然而彼得看到了:耶稣被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,祂没有罪...
保罗在他一生的旅行布道当中,照着神的呼召他必要为主的名受许多的苦,但神应许恩典够他用。Paul, throughout his missionary journeys, had to endure many sufferings for the Lord's name as God called him to do, but God promised that His grace was sufficient for hi...
我们跟随的态度直接影响着我们的结局。The attitude we adopt directly affects our outcomes.以太对王至死忠心,使他的名纪念在圣经上,得了神的称赞,被流传至今,鼓励更多人起来忠心跟随。Ittai was loyal to the king until his death, causing his n...
为何要行道呢?雅各说:“因为听道而不行道的,就像人对着镜子看自己本来的面目,看见,走后,随即忘了他的相貌如何。” Why do we need to do what it says? James said, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it say...
亚扪人的王拿辖上来,对着基列雅比安营,然后恐吓、威胁他们,逼迫神的百姓,叫他们服侍他,Nahash the Ammonite went up and besieged Jabesh Gilead, intimidating and threatening them, forcing the people of God to serve him.基列雅比人根本没有力量起来...
从前门徒跟着道成肉身的耶稣,听天国的福音,看耶稣行神迹。In the past, the disciples followed Jesus, the incarnate Word, listened to the gospel of the kingdom, and witnessed Jesus performing miracles. 如今耶稣从死里复活,回到天父那里,并把大使命...