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...,他们便得着能力被圣灵充满,讲道扎心,信徒几千几千增长,阵势浩大,When the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, they were filled with power and their sermons touched people’s hearts. Thousands of believers were added, and the movement grew immensely.他...
发表于 2024-05-11 02:27:30

家庭是我们事奉第一个场所。经上说,做妻子要顺服丈夫。这样,若有不信丈夫,他们虽然不听道,却可以因妻子品行被感化过来。The family is the first place where we serve. Scripture says that wives should submit to their husbands. In this ...
发表于 2024-10-19 02:23:45

我们信主,不是偶然,也不是我们拣选了主耶稣,不信佛或其他宗教,乃是在万古以前,神已经预先拣选了我们。Our belief in the Lord is not accidental, nor is it because we chose the Lord Jesus and decided not to believe in Buddhism or other religions. Rat...
发表于 2025-02-20 19:42:51

保罗强调他不以福音为耻,这福音本是神大能,要救一切相信人。Paul emphasized that he was not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. 福音根本就在于信,保罗说义是神赐予,从信到...
发表于 2025-01-10 21:50:01

雅各再次对信徒表明人生主权,神才是掌管我们生命主。当人因骄傲忘本,便张狂夸口,我人生我做主,凡这样夸口都是恶。James once again reminded believers of the sovereignty of life, affirming that God is the Lord who controls our lives. ...
发表于 2024-11-28 23:36:32

人们都知道爱是好,无论是谁都渴望爱,寻寻觅觅到最后都是伤害,因人里面根本没有爱,把自己交给人就是交给伤害。People know that love is good. Everyone longs for love, but they often end up hurting after searching for it, because there is no true lo...
发表于 2024-12-19 18:50:13

...Saul's rebellion and abandonment of God opened the door to the devil. 神灵离开他,他和神关系中断,更失去了神保护。As God's Spirit departed from him, Saul's relationship with God was severed, and he lost God's protection. 神允许恶魔来扰乱他。神掌管万有,...
发表于 2024-07-26 20:01:41

神对大卫考试步步惊心,每一步都很关键,在试炼中大卫都交出了让神满意答卷,印证了神说话,大卫是合神心意人。God’s test of David was intense, and every step was crucial. Throughout the trials, David handed in answers that pleased God,...
发表于 2024-08-19 20:14:33

撒母耳对扫罗说话,是让扫罗知道耶和华才是真正王。Samuel spoke to Saul to let him know that the Lord was the real king. 上帝将祂百姓托付给扫罗来治理,扫罗理当听从上帝话。God entrusted His people to Saul to rule, so Saul should obey God’s...
发表于 2024-07-21 20:05:01

...一个儿子,她说:“万军之耶和华啊,你若垂顾婢女苦情,眷念不忘婢女,赐我一个儿子,我必使他终身归与耶和华,不用剃头刀剃他头。”Hannah, in her distress, prayed to God for a son, saying, “Lord Almighty, if You will only loo...
发表于 2024-06-25 20:11:03
