...n righteous people, God would not destroy them. 城被毁灭时,因着神的公义,天使搭救了那常为恶人淫行忧伤的义人罗得。When the city was ultimately destroyed, because of God’s righteousness, angels rescued Lot, a righteous man who was deeply troubled by the lawless ...
罪的工价乃是死,至高的主为全人类的罪担当了咒诅,使我们被接纳被祝福,The wages of sin is death. The Most High Lord bore the curse for the sins of all humankind, so that we could be accepted and blessed.祂甘心乐意的被挂在木头上,担当了我们罪的刑...
神吩咐撒母耳去膏耶和华要立的新王,当撒母耳去到耶西家看到以利押,心里说,耶和华的受膏者必定在他面前,God told Samuel to anoint the new king that the Lord would establish. God told Samuel to anoint the new king that the Lord would establish. When Samu...
主的命令是叫我们彼此相爱。Lord’s command is for us to love one another. 使徒约翰告诉我们,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。The apostle John teaches us not to love merely in words or speech, but in actions and truth. 若是我们看到弟兄...