押沙龙图谋造反,大卫不得不逃离耶路撒冷。逃亡的路上,属扫罗族的示每,咒骂大卫,说大卫流了扫罗全家的血。亚比筛愤怒地要杀示每,被大卫制止。Absalom plotted a rebellion, and David was forced to flee Jerusalem. On the way, Shimei, from t...
...计划:我要做这,做那,我要赚多少钱…以为靠自己的双手可以掌握前途,改变命运。We once made grand plans: I will do this, do that, and earn this much money, thinking that with our own hands, we could control the future and change our destiny. 走过很多年,...
耶稣父所爱的独生子,最痛苦的时候为什么不喊:‘我的父...’而喊,‘我的神...’ When Jesus, the beloved Son of the Father, was in his greatest agony, why did He not cry out, 'My Father...' but instead cried, 'My God...'原来除以色列民外,世...
保罗在以弗所教会的三年之中,劳苦付出,流泪警醒祷告,百般劝戒,扶助软弱的人,把人带到耶稣的面前。他凡事给众人做榜样。Paul, during his three years at the church in Ephesus, laboured diligently, prayed with tears and vigilance, exhorted in ever...
大卫从前在旷野艰难的日子,凡事寻求神,依靠神。David, during his difficult days in the wilderness, sought God in all things and relied on Him. 大卫日见强盛,照着神所应许的做了以色列的王。As David grew stronger, he became king of Israel according to God's ...
...Gath. 被认出之后他甚惧怕,在他们手下假装疯癫,在城门的门扇上胡写乱画,使唾沫流在胡子上。After being recognised, he was very afraid and pretended to be mad in their presence, making marks on the doors of the gate gate and letting saliva run down his beard. 他...
大卫国度之扩展,神的应许逐渐在实现,神赐福大卫征服四围列国敌人。As David's kingdom expanded, God's promise was gradually fulfilled. God blessed David, enabling him to conquer the enemies of the surrounding nations.大卫攻打非利士人,摩押人、琐巴人、...
神的道兴旺,圣灵大大浇灌做工不止,God's word flourished, and the Holy Spirit poured out abundantly, continuously working.七位执事之首司提反是一个极其虔诚而大有信心、圣灵充满的人,满有恩惠能力,在民间行了大奇事和神迹。Stephen, the chie...