...有作出来,神已经告诉利百加:这族必强于那族,将来大的要服事小的。Before Jacob and Esau were born, before they had done anything good or bad, God had already told Rebekah: “The older will serve the younger.”从人的眼光看,雅各在母腹里就抓,为...
耶稣为我们的罪,被钉死在十字架上,是历史的事实。因着信,我们的旧人已经与基督同钉十字架,使罪身灭绝,罪不再掌控我们。Jesus was crucified for our sins—a historical fact. Through faith, our old self has been crucified with Christ so that ...
...The Apostle Paul taught us, "Who is a true Jew?"不是那些外面做割礼的以色列人,不是头脑许多圣经知识,靠着外在做好,却还在求人的荣耀的人。It is not those Israelites who are circumcised on the outside, nor those who have an abundance of Bible knowledge in the...
神“不爱惜自己的儿子”并非冷漠,而是以最昂贵的代价,舍了最宝贵的儿子耶稣的生命。God “did not spare His own Son”—not out of cold indifference, but out of the greatest love, offering the most precious sacrifice: the life of His beloved...
...以色列人想要立一个王,表面看来是因为撒母耳老迈,他的儿子们不行神的道。神难道不知道吗?The Israelites wanted to establish a king, apparently because Samuel was old and his sons did not walk in the way of God. Doesn’t God know?撒母耳心里虽然不...
...es with swords, spears, and bronze halberds. 大卫不看环境,不被人的评价所左右,他依靠的是万军之耶和华的名!大卫为神的荣耀而战,神的名必得胜!David did not look at the environment or be swayed by people's evaluations. He relied on the name of the Lord o...