阿们!复活的主成为我们一切得救的根源,除他以外别无拯救,神何等爱照着他形象所创造的人,在罪恶的世界里人无法自救,还要面对将来神公义的审判。Amen! The resurrected Lord becomes the source of all our salvation. Apart from Him, there is...
主的道是永存的,彼得再次的把神儿女带到神圣洁的国度中,每天过圣洁的生活,时时将心思意念夺回归给主耶稣。The word of the Lord is eternal. Peter once again led God’s children into God’s holy kingdom, living a holy life every day, and always...
少年人预表属灵的少年,他们开始从头脑的认识父里,进入真知道父,是因为舍己,顺服,开始进入过属灵争战的生活。The young man represents the spiritual young man. They move from knowing the Father through mental understanding to truly knowing the Father...
...人,谁能救罪人呢?当耶稣道成肉身来到地上时,要把祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。完成这使命的代价却是舍了自己的生命。All people in the world have sinned. Who is willing to save sinners?
Who can save sinners? When Jesus became flesh and came to earth, ...
圣洁的基督若住进我们的心,为要我们认识己罪,不再顺服己,乃是顺服基督,得丰盛义的生命。If the holy Christ dwells in our hearts, it is for us to recognize our sins, no longer obey ourselves, but obey Christ and receive the abundant life of righteousness. 我...
约翰用很大的篇幅来讲神的爱,不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们,差祂的儿子为我们的罪作了挽回祭。John devoted much of his writing to talking about God’s love. It is not that we love God, but that God loves us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for ou...