在旧约,神设立逃城,使误杀人的可以逃到那里。In the Old Testament, God appointed cities of refuge, that those who killed another unintentionally might flee there. 但故意杀人的必被治死。押沙龙因怀恨在心,有计划有预谋地杀了暗嫩,逃亡到基述。...
使徒保罗和西拉在腓立比因为赶出使女身上的鬼,让主人们得利的指望没有了,Apostle Paul and Silas were in Philippi, where they cast out a demon from a female slave, causing her owners to lose their hope of making money.他们便揪住保罗和西拉,还诬陷说骚...
...生命不长进,停滞不前,原来都是因为顺从了自己天然人的思想,吃分辨善恶树的果子,就死了,又与神隔绝了。It turns out that "obey the flesh or the Holy Spirit" is so important on the road to believing in the Lord. Life does not progress and stagnates. It t...
...受难,属灵同伴也苦劝他不要去,但他知道这是神要他做的事情。即或到耶路撒冷为主去受难而死,也在所不辞。Paul received from the Holy Spirit the revelation that he would suffer in Jerusalem. His spiritual companions earnestly urged him not to go, but he kn...
...又面临许多非利士人聚集,就自行献祭。在最危险最难熬的时刻,神试验我们在信什么。Saul waited for seven days, but Samuel had not yet arrived at Gilgal. When Saul saw the people dispersing from him and faced many Philistines gathering together, he offered the sacrif...
天然人的爱是,你爱我,我才爱你。你若恶待我,伤害我,背叛我,我就恨你!远离你!The love of natural people is, "I love you only if you love me. If you treat me badly, hurt me, betray me, I will hate you! Stay away from you!"我们的头脑无法理解,谁...
...aul attempted multiple times to kill David, but he was unsuccessful. 扫罗的儿子约拿单深知神掌权,大卫必要作以色列的王。Jonathan, Saul's son, recognized God's sovereignty and knew that David was destined to be the king of Israel. 他没有仇恨、嫉妒,反而看重大卫...
...d, clans, and families, and go everywhere to preach the gospel.他们为主的名出外,对于外邦人一无所取,反而献上自己的一切所有,与人同得福音的好处。It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. Instead, the...