...d decay. 我们信主,虽有圣灵内住,仍被放在世上,这是神的安排。Though we believe in the Lord and have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we are still placed in this world by God’s design. 但我们不是跟随这世界虚空的律和肉体的律走,然后等死,乃...
义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的。为什么我们的祷告,好像没有功效?The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Why do our prayers often seem ineffective? 我们在地位上因信称义,神又说,行义的才是义人。By faith, we are justified...
爱弟兄的就住在光明中,恨弟兄的是在黑暗里,且在黑暗里行。Whoever loves their brothers and sisters abides in the light, but whoever hates them is in darkness and walks in darkness. 光明中的人,不容易跌脚。恨使人落在黑暗中,如同瞎子一样摸索,...