从旧约到新约,神在告诉我们人生的实质:凡有血气的,尽都如草;人的美荣就像草上的花,看起来有些灿烂,结局也如同草和花一样转眼就枯干凋谢。From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God reveals the essence of life: All flesh is like gr...
伯示麦人擅观神的约柜,被击杀,百姓为此哀哭,开始认识:神是圣洁的,谁能在圣洁的神面前侍立呢?The people of Bethshemesh looked at the Ark of God without permission and were killed. The people mourned and began to realise: God is holy. Who can stand before...
跟随大卫的人打了胜仗,谋反的押沙龙被杀,大卫结束了逃亡的日子。但因着大卫为押沙龙大声哭号,众民暗暗地进城,就如败阵逃跑惭愧的民一般。The men who followed David won the battle, and the rebel Absalom was killed, bringing an end to David...
在旧约,神设立逃城,使误杀人的可以逃到那里。In the Old Testament, God appointed cities of refuge, that those who killed another unintentionally might flee there. 但故意杀人的必被治死。押沙龙因怀恨在心,有计划有预谋地杀了暗嫩,逃亡到基述。...