众民知道自己求立王的事是罪上加罪了,便对神所行的大事恐惧害怕,担心自己死亡。The people knew that their request for a king was a sin on top of their other sins, so they were terrified by the great things God was doing and worried to death. 尽管以色列人不...
...律法热心,却不认识神。直到遇见耶稣,曾经逼迫基督徒的扫罗,成为耶稣的跟随者,一生忠心传扬福音,见证耶稣的复活。Saul was zealous for the law, but he did not know God. Until he met Jesus, Saul, who had persecuted Christians, became a follower of Je...
...eceived one. 亚伯拉罕将近百岁时,身体如同已死,撒拉的生育已经断绝, When Abraham was nearly a hundred years old, his body was as good as dead, and Sarah’s ability to bear children had ceased. 用人的眼光看,真是无可指望!From a human persp...
是的,阿门! 因为【林前15:56】死的毒钩就是罪,罪的权势就是律法。Yes, Amen! For as it is written in 1 Corinthians 15:56, “The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.” 我们头脑虽然知道律法,比如:不要忧虑,一天的难...
熟读旧约圣经的祭司长和文士为什么跟世人一样,认不出主耶稣是神的儿子? Why did the chief priests and teachers of the law, who were familiar with the Old Testament, yet failed to recognize Jesus as the Son of God like everyone else? 人凭着自己的智慧都会把...
神是最终的审判者,祂必照着各人所行的报应各人。凡恒心行善、寻求荣耀、尊贵和不能朽坏之福的,无论他是谁,神都以永生报应他;God is the final judge, and He will reward everyone according to what they have done. Whoever perseveres in doing good ...
撒母耳嘱咐扫罗要听耶和华的话,要把亚玛力的一切所有灭绝净尽。扫罗却留下了亚玛力王和上等的牛羊,并要把牛羊献给耶和华为祭物。Samuel told Saul to listen to the word of the Lord and to destroy all that belonged to Amalek. But Saul left behind ...
...如同火烧,马不停蹄地周游四方,拯救在魔鬼权下受压制的人群,并医好了他们,他的名越传越开,众所周知,围在他身边的人不计其数。Despite having great authority, power, and glory, He cared deeply for the afflicted and the poor, toiling tirelessly ...