大卫犯下淫乱的罪,借亚扪人的刀杀了乌利亚,抢夺了他的妻之后,最少十个月的时间,大卫麻木地活在罪中,与神隔绝,却不自知。After David committed the sin of fornication, killed Uriah with the sword of the Ammonites, and took his wife, he lived nu...
大卫为躲避扫罗的追杀,常在旷野的山寨里。神厌弃扫罗作王,但是扫罗仍是以色列的王。扫罗天天寻索大卫,定意要消灭大卫,神却不将大卫交在他手里。To avoid being hunted by Saul, David often stayed in a stronghold in the wilderness. God rej...
谁能舍了自己的独生儿子,去救一个十恶不赦的罪人?我一定不会这样做。天父却甘心舍了自己所爱的独生子,使他降卑为人,成为奴仆的样子,来到我们中间。Who could sacrifice their only son to save a heinous sinner? I certainly would not. Ye...
何等大有能力的宣告,义人必不怕凶恶的信息,因他心坚定倚靠耶和华,深信,争战的胜败全在乎耶和华。What a powerful declaration! The righteous will not fear bad news because their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. They firmly believe that the outco...
大卫战胜歌利亚得胜之后,赢来的不是拥护,而是更甚的逼迫,属血气的逼迫属灵的,大卫和扫罗不同的选择带来不同的结局,After David triumphed over Goliath, he faced not support but even greater persecution. The carnal persecuted the spiritual. The dif...