使徒约翰说,当他看见教会的信徒,照着父的命令遵行真理时,就甚欢喜。The Apostle John said that it had given him great joy to find some of His children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded them. 一个牧人的心肠,最大的安慰和喜乐是看到...
我们落在百般的试炼中都要以为大喜乐,因为信心要经过试炼才能生出忍耐。Consider it
pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, because the testing of our
faith produces perseverance.属灵国度的得胜在乎我们时刻预备自己进入试炼,向肉体死...
...都曾生气发怒。信主后,胜过怒气也是我们每一天要面对的争战。很多时候,我们未曾听完别人的话,已经大大发怒了,结果却发现是自己太着急,自己去判断,而显出愚昧。Everyone feels angry from time to time. After coming to faith in the ...
经上说,我们是淫乱的人?我没有乱搞男女关系啊!神说,看见妇女,动了淫念的,这人心里已经与她犯了奸淫了。As Scripture says, we are adulterers. But I haven’t engaged in
promiscuous relationships with men or women! Yet, God says that anyone who