当圣灵浇灌下来的时候,耶路撒冷教会一天就增加三千人,人数在不断地增加。When the Holy Spirit was poured out, the Jerusalem church grew by three thousand in a single day, and the numbers kept increasing.信的人真实地遇见复活的主,经历到祂的大能,...
...ites quarrelledover welcoming the king.示巴利用以色列人对犹大人的不满纵容他们反叛大卫,圣经里讲“恰巧”,其实都是上帝的安排,试验人心最深处的动机,看看哪些人是真正的跟随者,Sheba took advantage of the Israelites' dissatisfact...
信心是从基督的话而来,祂的每一句话都是带着能力的。如果我们只祷告不读经,我们就不明白神的旨意,就不明白神的话。Faith comes from the words of Christ, and every word of His is powerful. If we only pray and don't read the Bible, we will not underst...