经上说:“不要自欺,神是轻慢不得的。人种的是什么,收的也是什么。” It is written: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”神是圣洁公义忌邪的神,圣灵参透万事,当亚拿尼亚和撒非喇欺哄圣灵...
这位百夫长负责执行彼拉多的命令。This centurion was responsible for carrying out Pilate's orders.耶稣被定罪,被审判,被鞭打得血肉模糊。Jesus was convicted, judged, and brutally whipped until His flesh was torn.祂背着沉重的十字架,面对人的辱骂、嘲...
这里用两个“凡”字,来划分两种不同的人。凡住在祂里面的,就不犯罪,这是住在主里面的人,和神有关系的人。The two "whoever"s here distinguish between two types of people. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. This refers to the person who remains...
当遇见海上的风暴,不信的人和信的人截然两种不同的表现。 When encountering a storm at sea, unbelievers and believers respond in completely different ways. 不信的人是消极负面,连求生的指望都绝了,因此他们没有心思吃饭。 Unbelievers a...
...,雅各、彼得、保罗,都曾劝勉弟兄姊妹,落在各种各样的试炼中,要认为是大喜乐,在患难中要欢欢喜喜的,因为知道神要试验我们的信心,When the church faced persecution and tribulations, James, Peter, and Paul all urged brothers and sisters to co...
这圣洁属天的律法,属地的天然人怎么能守住呢?在人绝对是不能的,在神却凡事都能,因为圣灵赐在我们里面,就是来引导我们进入一切的真理。How can the natural man on earth keep this holy heavenly law? It is absolutely impossible for man, but e...
...当夏娃犯罪,与神隔绝后,一切受造之物生存在世上,为的是什么呢?为的是等候得救。Since Adam and Eve sinned and were separated from God, what has all creation been living on earth for? To wait for salvation. 我们信而悔改,接受了圣灵,重生得救...