...ites quarrelledover welcoming the king.示巴利用以色列人对犹大人的不满纵容他们反叛大卫,圣经里讲“恰巧”,其实都是上帝的安排,试验人心最深处的动机,看看哪些人是真正的跟随者,Sheba took advantage of the Israelites' dissatisfact...
经上说,不要爱世界。世界不是神所造的吗?是的,神创造了诸世界和我们。然而亚当犯罪以后,全世界都卧在那恶者以下。The Bible says, do not love the world. Didn’t God create the world? Yes, God created the world and us. However, after Adam sinne...
约翰不断地鼓励信徒,在两国争战之中,会经历火一样的试炼,会经历艰难、困苦、逼迫,但不要因着邪恶势力而消弱我们对神的信心。John constantly encourages believers that in the war between the two kingdoms, they will experience trials like fire, h...
保罗邀请以弗所教会的长老到米利都,向他们作了最后的嘱咐,要悔改,信靠主耶稣基督,各人都要面对主,跟神交账。Paul invited the elders of the church in Ephesus to Miletus, where he gave them his final exhortation: to repent, trust in the Lord Jesus Ch...
保罗在临别之前论到众长老和信徒的时候,他说,关于神对教会的旨意,没有一样避讳不说的,都传给了他们。Before Paul's departure, when speaking to the elders and believers, he stated that he had not hesitated to preach to them the whole will of God concerni...