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哈拿将自己最心爱儿子撒母耳完全地献给神,没有痛苦和不舍。她心因耶和华快乐,因神救恩欢欣。Hannah dedicated her most beloved son, Samuel, completely to God without pain or reluctance. Her heart rejoiced in the Lord and rejoiced in God’s salvat...
发表于 2024-06-26 21:04:26

经上说:“不要自欺,神是轻慢不得。人种是什么,收也是什么。” It is written: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”神是圣洁公义忌邪神,圣灵参透万事,当亚拿尼亚和撒非喇欺哄圣灵...
发表于 2024-05-13 20:23:05

发表于 2024-05-02 19:49:39

这位百夫长负责执行彼拉多命令。This centurion was responsible for carrying out Pilate's orders.耶稣被定罪,被审判,被鞭打得血肉模糊。Jesus was convicted, judged, and brutally whipped until His flesh was torn.祂背着沉重十字架,面对人辱骂、嘲...
发表于 2024-03-29 18:26:58

这里用两个“凡”字,来划分两种不同人。凡住在祂里面,就不犯罪,这是住在主里面人,和神有关系人。The two "whoever"s here distinguish between two types of people. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. This refers to the person who remains...
发表于 2024-12-15 22:02:25

当遇见海上风暴,不信人和信人截然两种不同表现。  When encountering a storm at sea, unbelievers and believers respond in completely different ways. 不信人是消极负面,连求生指望都绝了,因此他们没有心思吃饭。  Unbelievers a...
发表于 2024-06-23 16:03:17

...,雅各、彼得、保罗,都曾劝勉弟兄姊妹,落在各种各样试炼中,要认为是大喜乐,在患难中要欢欢喜喜,因为知道神要试验我们信心,When the church faced persecution and tribulations, James, Peter, and Paul all urged brothers and sisters to co...
发表于 2024-11-06 18:49:44

大卫祷告时,神听了他呼求。在急难中,神救他脱离死亡,为他伸冤,使他胜过仇敌,使他被高举…大卫在患难中信靠神,更深经历神,认识神,更深得着神,也被神得着。When David prayed, God heard his cry. In times of crisis, God s...
发表于 2024-09-25 19:42:17

当圣灵浇灌下来时候,耶路撒冷教会一天就增加三千人,人数在不断地增加。When the Holy Spirit was poured out, the Jerusalem church grew by three thousand in a single day, and the numbers kept increasing.信人真实地遇见复活主,经历到祂大能,...
发表于 2024-04-22 19:20:02

发表于 2023-08-03 19:27:55
