从主耶稣升天到现在都是末后的日子,神要用祂的灵浇灌我们每一个人的应许没有改变。可为什么得异梦异象,得圣灵浇灌,大有能力的人不是很多呢?"From the ascension of the Lord Jesus until now, it is still the last days, and the promise of God...
万物的结局近了,主来的日子越来越近了。彼得嘱咐我们,要谨守自守,警醒祷告。The end of all things is near, and the coming of the Lord is drawing closer. Peter instructs us to be sober, watchful, and to pray.最要紧的,最重要的,应当放在首位的是:...
大卫在旷野多少次经过死荫的幽谷,因着信,他经历了神的拯救,更深认识到:神是我的盾牌,是我的磐石,是我坚固的保障…David passed through the valley of the shadow of death many times in the wilderness. Through faith, he experienced God’s...
耶稣被钉十字架的死亡和幔子的裂开向世人显明他是“神的儿子”,The death of Jesus on the cross and the tearing of the curtain
revealed to the world that He was the "Son of God,"就像百夫长看见耶稣死亡的景象宣告说:just as the centurion saw the sc...
耶稣受难后第三日清早,爱主的妇女们思念主,想膏主的身体,发现坟墓封口的大石头被滚开了,Early on the third day after Jesus' crucifixion, the women who loved the Lord came to remember Him. They came to anoint His body but found the large stone covering the to...