...并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 神的话怎么说就怎么成就,使徒们、众百姓、神的教会都照着神的心意而行,为他...
...t be alert and pray so that you do not fall into temptation. 在末后的时代,迷惑到处都是,信徒要扎根真理,不断坚固自己的信心,防备假教师的诱惑和误导。In the last days, confusion is everywhere. Believers need to be firmly grounded in the truth, continua...
耶稣被钉在十字架上,被埋葬在坟墓里,看起来是那样的绝望….Jesus was crucified and buried in the tomb, looking so hopeless. 然而,七日的头一日, Yet, on the first day of the week, 在那个荣耀的清晨,巨石被挪开,那坟墓是空的。in the...
大卫面对扫罗的追杀,信靠神的公义,也不代替神审判扫罗,不自己伸冤,活出了以善胜恶的生命。但是面对拿八的忘恩和羞辱,大卫被激怒了。Facing Saul's pursuit, David trusted in God's justice and did not judge Saul on God's behalf or seek justic...
这是使徒保罗在受审时所陈明的话,是他在生活、事奉中荣耀神的见证。保罗对神、对人,常存无亏的良心,他看重和神的关系,尊神为大,This is what the Apostle Paul declared during his trial, serving as a testimony of how he glorified God in his li...