...感谢主,因肉体软弱犯罪,基督被钉在十字架上,叫我们的肉体连同肉体的邪情私欲也与祂同钉在十字架上,Thank God, because of the weakness of the flesh and sin, Christ was crucified
on the cross, so that our flesh and its evil desires were also crucified on t...
彼得把我们带入一个属灵生命得胜的高峰,受苦的心志是属灵战争中致胜的兵器,有了这兵器,我们才能胜过罪和情欲的诱惑,在世上可按着神的旨意生活。Peter leads us to a peak of spiritual victory. The will to suffer is a weapon for triumph in...
抹大拉马利亚,约西的母亲马利亚并撒罗米是爱主的一群妇女,爱主到寸步不离。Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were among a group of women who loved the Lord fervently, accompanying Him every step of the way. 她们目睹耶稣赴十架、赴刑场...