彼得鼓励信徒,作为基督的真正跟随着,一定要分外的殷勤,在属灵的路程上不进则退,Peter encouraged believers that, as true followers of Christ, they must make every effort. If they do not advance in their spiritual journey, they will retreat.前进的必力...
...里…赐给你…这五个动词,来数算神向大卫所施的恩典,责备大卫,你为什么藐视耶和华的命令,行他眼中看为恶的事呢?God used five verbs—anointing you, saving you, giving you, delivering you into your arms, and giving you again—to re...
彼得把我们带入一个属灵生命得胜的高峰,受苦的心志是属灵战争中致胜的兵器,有了这兵器,我们才能胜过罪和情欲的诱惑,在世上可按着神的旨意生活。Peter leads us to a peak of spiritual victory. The will to suffer is a weapon for triumph in...
抹大拉马利亚,约西的母亲马利亚并撒罗米是爱主的一群妇女,爱主到寸步不离。Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were among a group of women who loved the Lord fervently, accompanying Him every step of the way. 她们目睹耶稣赴十架、赴刑场...