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人心多有计谋;惟有耶和华筹算才能立定。There are many plans in the heart of man; only the counsel of the Lord will stand.亚希多弗虽然足智多谋,但因耶和华定意破坏他良谋,为要降祸与押沙龙。Although Ahithophel was resourceful, the Lord was deter...
发表于 2024-09-10 19:47:36

肉体是卖给罪,无有良善,终日所思想尽都是恶。保罗再次肯定说,没有义人,一个也没有,惟有神才是义。上帝向那有律法,并力图行律法说,凡有血气,没有一个因行律法能在神面前称义和自夸,The flesh is sold to...
发表于 2025-01-16 00:02:05

发表于 2022-11-25 00:28:34

说到贫穷富足,我们想到是地上财富。人会以外貌待人,高看富人,藐视穷人。When we speak of poverty and riches, we often think of material wealth. People tend to judge others by their appearance, favoring the rich while looking down on the poor.  雅各...
发表于 2024-11-15 19:09:29

彼得强调我们之所以被赎回是倚靠基督宝血,基督付上死代价,流出宝血,将我们从罪中赎回来,使我们得着真自由。Peter emphasised that the reason we were redeemed was through the precious blood of Christ. Christ paid the price of death and ...
发表于 2024-10-09 18:52:38

约柜代表了神荣耀,神同在;The Ark of God represents the glory and presence of God. 从约柜被掳,到回到以色列人中,没有人宝贵神同在,没有人寻找神荣耀。From the time the Ark was captured until it returned to the Israelites, no one cherish...
发表于 2024-08-25 17:57:01

...神继续加码试炼大卫,神使扫罗他们沉睡,再一次把扫罗性命交在大卫手里,God continued to test David, putting Saul and his men into a deep sleep and once again delivering Saul's life into David's hands.大卫完全可以杀了扫罗以除后患。.但大卫敬畏...
发表于 2024-08-13 19:38:38

耶稣对门徒说:“倚靠钱财人进神国是何等地难哪!骆驼穿过针眼比财主进神国还容易呢。”门徒问他:“这样谁能得救呢?”耶稣看着他们说:“在人是不能,在神却不然,因为神凡事都能。” ...
发表于 2024-01-13 00:10:41

发表于 2023-08-24 20:18:06

喜乐源头在哪里呢?约翰说他喜乐和安慰就是看见信徒遵行真理,他就甚欢喜。Where is the Source of Joy? John said that his joy and comfort came from being overjoyed when he saw believers walking in obedience to the truth. 教会是约翰诚心所...
发表于 2025-01-05 23:45:48
