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约柜代表了神荣耀,神同在;The Ark of God represents the glory and presence of God. 从约柜被掳,到回到以色列人中,没有人宝贵神同在,没有人寻找神荣耀。From the time the Ark was captured until it returned to the Israelites, no one cherish...
发表于 2024-08-25 17:57:01

人心多有计谋;惟有耶和华筹算才能立定。There are many plans in the heart of man; only the counsel of the Lord will stand.亚希多弗虽然足智多谋,但因耶和华定意破坏他良谋,为要降祸与押沙龙。Although Ahithophel was resourceful, the Lord was deter...
发表于 2024-09-10 19:47:36

彼得强调我们之所以被赎回是倚靠基督宝血,基督付上死代价,流出宝血,将我们从罪中赎回来,使我们得着真自由。Peter emphasised that the reason we were redeemed was through the precious blood of Christ. Christ paid the price of death and ...
发表于 2024-10-09 18:52:38

发表于 2023-02-14 19:19:44

发表于 2023-10-17 03:44:00

...神继续加码试炼大卫,神使扫罗他们沉睡,再一次把扫罗性命交在大卫手里,God continued to test David, putting Saul and his men into a deep sleep and once again delivering Saul's life into David's hands.大卫完全可以杀了扫罗以除后患。.但大卫敬畏...
发表于 2024-08-13 19:38:38

发表于 2023-07-06 19:45:29

...里…赐给你…这五个动词,来数算神向大卫所施恩典,责备大卫,你为什么藐视耶和华命令,行他眼中看为恶事呢?God used five verbs—anointing you, saving you, giving you, delivering you into your arms, and giving you again—to re...
发表于 2024-09-03 19:22:39

彼得鼓励信徒,作为基督真正跟随着,一定要分外殷勤,在属灵路程上不进则退,Peter encouraged believers that, as true followers of Christ, they must make every effort. If they do not advance in their spiritual journey, they will retreat.前进必力...
发表于 2024-10-31 18:37:23

发表于 2024-03-08 06:02:12
