大卫出于骄傲,受到魔鬼试探,进行百姓的人数数点,大大得罪神了,神借迦得先知告诉他神对罪的审判,降三样的灾随大卫选择,大卫听后甚为难。Out of pride, David was tempted by the devil and conducted a census, which greatly offended God. God,...
大卫王他经历得胜的秘诀就是不凭眼见,乃是凭着信心,The secret of King David's victory was not to rely on sight, but on faith.无论遭遇多大的急难,如:死亡的波浪,匪类的急流,阴间的绳索,死亡的罗网,好像已经到了完全绝望的光景,...
魔鬼从起初就犯罪,牠是迷惑人的,引诱人犯罪与神为仇。起初,我们都在牠里面,世人都犯了罪亏缺了神的荣耀。The devil has been sinning from the beginning. He is a deceiver, tempting people to sin and become enemies of God. In the beginning, we were ...
雅各说到两种不同的智慧,属世的假智慧和属天的真智慧,这两种智慧会带出两种生命的表现,不同的智慧就会导致不同的结果。James spoke of two different kinds of wisdom: false worldly wisdom and true heavenly wisdom. These two types of wisdom lead to t...