当面对试炼时,信徒会以什么为重呢?是看重天上的属灵益处呢?还是看重地上短暂的好处呢?When faced with trials, what do believers prioritise? Do you value the spiritual rewards in heaven, or are you more focused on temporary benefits here on earth? 进入...
...大祭司,司提反没有为自己作任何申辩。他完全沉浸在神的同在里,再次讲述以色列的历史,见证神的旨意从不落空,神的应许必然成就。In front of the high priest, Stephen did not defend himself. Immersed in God's presence, he recounted the history of ...
怎样的祷告才能蒙垂听?真理告诉我们:照祂的旨意求,祂就听我们!阿们!哈利路亚!神活着,祂是照祂的话语行事。What kind of prayers can be heard? The truth tells us: If we pray according to His will, He will hear us! Amen! Hallelujah! God is ali...
为我的名必须为义受许多的苦难,这是扫罗此后一生的写照,他为了宣扬主的名,比别人更多为义受苦难。"For My name's sake, he must suffer many things"—this was the prophecy concerning Saul, later known as Paul. In his mission to proclaim the Lord's ...