我们信主之后,因没有看重神的话,轻忽祂的命令,也缺乏行道,持守在神的圣洁中,很多时候照了自己的意思,就显出我们的破败,After we came to believe in the Lord, we often failed to value God's words, neglected His commands, lacked practice, and f...
雅各劝勉众人,落在百般的试炼中,要以为大喜乐,因为信心经过试验就生出忍耐。James exhorts us to count it all joy when facing trials of many kinds, for the testing of faith produces perseverance.在各种中试验的环境中,神的旨意是良善的,为要除...
先前的亚当和末后的亚当,他们不同的选择,就带出不同的结局,先前亚当的悖逆,吃了禁果,使众人成为罪人,罪就进入了世界,结局就是灵性的死亡,与神隔绝;he different choices of the previous Adam and the last Adam led to different out...
虽然今天不再是奴隶社会,但仍存在着雇主和雇工的关系。Although we no longer live in a slave society, there is still a relationship between employers and employees.原文说,作仆人的,凡事要用十分敬畏的心顺服主人…不管主人是怎样的人,仆...