在肉体(亚当)里,就是罪的奴仆的心,是害怕的。害怕自己做得不好,被人说,不被肯定,不被尊重,不被爱,就拼命靠自己,讨人的欢喜。In the flesh (Adam), the heart of the slave to sin is fearful. Fearing that I do not do well, being cr...
以利被神拣选做祭司,却因着藐视神,尊重自己的儿子过于尊重神,使自己的子孙后代都落在咒诅之下。神实在是轻慢不得的。Eli was chosen by God to be a priest, but because he despised God and respected his own son more than God, his descendants fell und...
大卫的一生中,慈爱、完全、清洁、乖僻,他都经历了。David experienced kindness, perfection, purity, and perverseness throughout his life.当他在神面前存慈爱的心时,神就以慈爱待他;他保守他的心完全时,神就以完全待他;他在神里面保守清...