是的,在地上,每一天都要读经、祷告,在每件叫“己心”“上下翻腾、波动”的事上求问神,自己的私欲在哪里,Yes, on earth, we must read the Bible and pray every day, and ask God about every matter that causes our "hearts" to "toss and tur...
雅各他用生命来对我们说话,想和神建立亲密的关系,与神面对面,进入得胜,百般的试炼是必考的一个考试,这些都是他们所走过的路。James used his life to speak to us. If you want to establish an intimate relationship with God, face God, and e...
得胜者的心态是已经预备好了,每天活在地上的日子都是他们的最后一天,每天预备着火炼的试验临到,这是让他们欢喜快乐的事情。The mentality of the overcomers is one of readiness. Every day they live on earth feels like their last. They are prepared...
大卫在患难中,更深认识神和祂做事的法则。神是爱,神更是圣洁公义,必照各人所行的待各人。David, in times of trouble, came to know God and His ways more deeply. God is love, but He is also holy and righteous, and He will deal with each person according to thei...