彼得完全的被神得着后,他的全人全心所专注的就是神的命令和永恒的盼望,After Peter was fully gained by God, his whole being was focused on God’s commands and eternal hope. 他以身作则,凡事谦卑在主的面前,彼此顺服,以试炼为大喜乐,行...
大卫在患难中,更深认识神和祂做事的法则。神是爱,神更是圣洁公义,必照各人所行的待各人。David, in times of trouble, came to know God and His ways more deeply. God is love, but He is also holy and righteous, and He will deal with each person according to thei...
保罗在亚基帕王面前受审时,讲到自己人生的转变,是在大马色路上所见的异象,对王说:我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。When Paul was on trial before King Agrippa, he talked about the transformation of his life, which was the vision he saw on the road...
...him. After Stephen was martyred, the church faced severe persecution.撒旦的势力更是猛烈,然而,神的意念高过人的意念,神的道路高过人的道路。神借着逼迫反而成就了祂奇妙的旨意和恩典。Satan's forces grew even stronger; however, God's thoughts are hig...