...one’s spiritual connection with God. 情感灵里合一,不给撒旦留破口(林前7:3-5) 。Emotional and spiritual unity leaves no room for Satan (1 Cor 7:3-5). 耶稣如何爱教会,丈夫也要如此爱自己的妻子。妻子因爱所感,被敬重,同心起来爱主,...
...当我向他们传福音或接触他们时,求主赐我智慧、力量。撒旦就是要我“看他们的脸色、反应”,惧怕而自保。When I preach the gospel to them or reach out to them, may the Lord give me wisdom and strength. Satan wants me to "see their faces and reac...
...p;)…靠你圣灵的能力去得胜有余…爱仇敌,胜过撒旦的诡计的…Thank You, Lord, for Your salvation. You gave me the Holy Spirit, not to tell me to say to others, "You are hurting me..." but to ask me to believe in Christ and the way You walked... (Think of the s...