属灵争战就是两国争战,神的国度和撒旦的国度。Spiritual warfare is a conflict between two kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.约翰带领信徒明确自己的身份,我们知道我们是属神的,我们所思所想都是与神合一,思念的都是...
...里有神迹,有神的荣耀,哪里就有属灵争战,神的国度和撒旦的国度,两国之战,撒旦不甘心神得荣耀,竭力要破坏神的工作,Wherever there are miracles and God's glory, there is spiritual warfare. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan are in conflict...
...争战是需要付上代价,不争战代价付的更大,我们到底做撒旦的食物,还是撒旦做我们的食物。Fighting requires a price, and not fighting incurs an even greater cost. Are we to be Satan's prey, or is Satan our prey?主啊,我不再自保,愿意效仿大卫无所...
..., a terrifying event occurred.有一对夫妻信徒,因贪欲迷惑,被撒旦充满了心,故意犯罪,欺哄圣灵,立时遭到神烈火般的审判,被击杀在众人面前…There was a couple of believers who, deceived by greed and filled with Satan in their hearts, intentionall...
...根真理,务要将神的道要存在心里,效仿耶稣基督在面对撒旦的试探时,祂都是以经上记着说击退仇敌的诡计。In this age of deception, believers who want to overcome the lies of the Antichrist must remain in the Lord, be grounded in the truth, keep the Word of G...