...的神,成为完全的人,来到罪人中间,为救我们脱离罪的捆绑,得着自由,使我们恢复神儿子的名分,并回归王室。因为神要领许多的儿子进入荣耀中。Jesus, the perfect God, became a perfect man and came among sinners to save us from the bondage of ...
...baptised. 无论我们做什么,都无法救自己脱离内心罪的捆绑和辖制。No matter what we do, we cannot free ourselves from the bondage and dominion of sin in our hearts. 好消息是:耶稣被钉死在十字架上,祂流血舍命,担当了我的罪。我们信而悔改,...
...出来,不但救我们脱离律法的刑罚,更救我们脱离律法的捆绑,把我们从想凭行律法称义的僵局中救赎出来。Thanks to the grace of the Lord, He fulfilled the requirements of the law with His life and death. He sacrificed Himself and paid a great price to redeem th...
...切的判断善恶、贫穷、贪婪、恐惧、羞耻…的辖制和捆绑,In the name of Jesus, I break every stronghold and bondage of judgment, poverty, greed, fear, and shame within me. 真知道我所信的是谁, 你的国是何等荣耀有盼望,Help me truly know the One I believ...
...怨、不感恩、论断、苦毒、诡诈的恶言对我生命的辖制和捆绑!Lord, please cleanse me with Your precious blood, forgive me, and in the name of the Lord Jesus, break the control and bondage of all negative, complaining, ungrateful, judgmental, bitter, and deceitful words in my l...
...不断的升起,那些监禁我们的门如今都要猛然打开,那些捆绑我们手脚的锁链都要被断开,哈利路亚,神得胜又得胜!In every dark crisis, I will pray, sing hymns, and praise God loudly. In praise, faith continually rises. The prison doors that confine us will ...
...d Lord, the King of kings, the Creator of the universe, was as follows: 被捆绑起来,诬陷栽赃,鞭打,脸被打巴掌,被吐吐沫,被戴荆棘冠冕,被讽刺、嘲弄、戏耍…He was bound, falsely accused, whipped, slapped in the face, spat upon, crowned with thorns, mock...
...她,而是出于你。你兴起这些环境,乃是要除去我里面的捆绑,使我可以得自由。将我的“吃、睡、做、要”等任何欲望交托在你公义慈爱的手中。Lord, I thank You! I want to believe that this hindrance is not from him or her, but from You. Yo...