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...baptised. 无论我们做什么,都无法救自己脱离内心罪的捆绑和辖制。No matter what we do, we cannot free ourselves from the bondage and dominion of sin in our hearts. 好消息是:耶稣被钉死在十字架上,祂流血舍命,担当了我的罪。我们信而悔改,...
发表于 2024-04-19 19:15:59

...不断的升起,那些监禁我们的门如今都要猛然打开,那些捆绑我们手脚的锁链都要被断开,哈利路亚,神得胜又得胜!In every dark crisis, I will pray, sing hymns, and praise God loudly. In praise, faith continually rises. The prison doors that confine us will ...
发表于 2024-06-06 02:00:47

...d Lord, the King of kings, the Creator of the universe, was as follows: 被捆绑起来,诬陷栽赃,鞭打,脸被打巴掌,被吐吐沫,被戴荆棘冠冕,被讽刺、嘲弄、戏耍…He was bound, falsely accused, whipped, slapped in the face, spat upon, crowned with thorns, mock...
发表于 2024-03-20 05:51:43
