... righteousness. 主啊,我们曾经信过各种宗教,拜过各种偶像…钱财,知识、势力、才能、任何有形无形的名,也都不能救我们脱离罪和死亡的权势。Lord, we have believed in various religions and worshiped various idols—money, knowledge, p...
...们:虽然你们行了这恶,与我为仇,但只要你们回转离弃偶像,尽心侍奉我,我必因我的大名不撇弃你们。He comforted and encouraged them: Although you have done this evil and become enemies with me, as long as you turn back, abandon your idols, and serve me with ...
...神胜于一切,何时何地极力跳舞赞美,用尽全人全心来敬拜称颂你的美名。Because of Your grace, we kneel down and submit before You, imitating David who valued God above all else, dancing and praising You whenever and wherever we can, using our whole being and heart to wors...
保罗到了雅典,看到满城都是偶像,雅典人敬畏鬼神,却不认识创造万有的神。When Paul arrived in Athens, he saw the city full of idols. The Athenians revered many gods, but they did not know the God who created everything. 保罗告诉他们:上帝从一本造出万...
...道,不再做背道的儿女走向死亡,乃是以圣洁敬畏之心敬拜赞美主的圣名,献上自己为祭,Hallelujah, praise the Lord! I declare: apart from You, there is no other savior. I believe that Jesus is my only Savior. The precious blood He shed on the cross cleanses us from a...
...们的心,今生更多像你,在永恒里可以侍立在你面前,敬拜尊崇你。Lord, refine our hearts so we will be more like You in this life, and we can stand before You, worship, and honour You in eternity. (付传道Pastor Fu)
...一切的仇敌和扫罗的追杀,大卫发出极大的感恩颂赞,敬拜高举尊崇神的名,The Lord saved David from all his enemies and Saul's pursuit. David expressed great gratitude and praise, worshipped and exalted God's name.耶和华赐极大的救恩给他所立的王,施慈爱...
以色列人犯罪且心怀二意,他们既拜真神又拜外邦的神,因此神的荣耀离开他们,神将他们交给非利士人。The Israelites sinned and were double-minded. They worshipped both the true God and foreign gods, so the glory of God left them, and God handed them over to t...
...st. 面对要把他至于死地的扫罗,大卫屈身脸伏于地下拜,而且称他为父,把自己比成虼蚤、死狗,Confronted by Saul, who sought his death, David bowed with his face to the ground and addressed him as father, comparing himself to a flea and a dead dog.他完全...