...力,天天背起自己的十字架,跟一切贪婪、淫乱、污秽,偶像、谎言的权势争战,奋力向标杆奔跑…Empower me to hate sin, to rely on the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, to daily take up my cross, and to vigorously fight against greed, sexual immorality, impuri...
... righteousness. 主啊,我们曾经信过各种宗教,拜过各种偶像…钱财,知识、势力、才能、任何有形无形的名,也都不能救我们脱离罪和死亡的权势。Lord, we have believed in various religions and worshiped various idols—money, knowledge, p...
...们:虽然你们行了这恶,与我为仇,但只要你们回转离弃偶像,尽心侍奉我,我必因我的大名不撇弃你们。He comforted and encouraged them: Although you have done this evil and become enemies with me, as long as you turn back, abandon your idols, and serve me with ...