...s persist because I have not fully turned to the Lord.我里面有太多的偶像,金钱、名利、自尊面子、孩子、自己、工作…占据了我的心。主啊,求你使我打碎心中偶像,放下心中所爱……My heart is filled with too many idols—money, fa...
...hy did he have to leave his country and his people?本地和亲族都是拜偶像侍奉别神的(书24:2),在属灵的黑暗之中。His country and his people were idol worshippers, serving other gods (Joshua 24:2), living in spiritual darkness.神是圣洁的主,是忌邪的神,神呼...
...我,读你的话,将真理存在心里,脱离做事的律,离弃拜偶像的心,Lord, your will is so good. Please help me to read your words, keep the truth in my heart, break away from the law of doing things, and abandon the heart of idolatry.使我在各种环境里,回到内心,...