...views on money, right and wrong, and honour and disgrace...使我拒绝一切的羞耻感和受害者心态,靠着你的圣灵,你的应许,我饶恕接纳自己,在你的爱中,为身边的人祷告争战,愿更多人被兴起,使神的国被扩张。Help me to reject all fe...
...s is the necessary path. 我的主满有权柄能力,却受尽各种拒绝、羞辱、鞭伤、刑罚…为我的罪死在十字架上。My Lord, full of authority and power, endured all kinds of rejection, humiliation, scourging, and punishment, and died on the cross for my sins.摩西...
...诉我们秘诀,就是要顺服神,顺服真理,务要抵挡魔鬼,拒绝一切的诱惑,试探。Every day is a battle, and Satan is like a roaring lion, walking around looking for people to devour. But James tells us the secret, which is to obey God and the truth, resist the devil, and r...
...ly.这救恩不仅是给我们的,也是给普天下人的。纵然人会拒绝、不信,耶稣仍然为全人类的罪舍命,忍耐等候人回转。This salvation is not only for us but also for everyone in the world. Even though people may reject and not believe, Jesus still laid down His l...
...terceding...主啊,帮助我们遵行你的旨意,靠着祷告,胜过拒绝伤害,操练爱众人,爱仇敌,使万国万民归向你。Lord, help us to obey Your will, rely on prayer to overcome rejection and harm, practice loving everyone and loving enemies, and bring all nations and pe...
...,不愿意把生命完全的交托给你,不信你的拯救,多少次拒绝你的陶造…Please forgive us for our lack of faith and unbelief, for our unwillingness to completely entrust our lives to You, for our doubt in Your salvation, and for rejecting Your moulding so many times......
...price You paid for my life.藐视你所付上舍命的代价,误会你,拒绝你,让你圣灵担忧,你为我的罪时常忧痛哭泣,为我昼夜代求。Forgive me for misunderstanding and rejecting You, and for grieving
Your Holy Spirit. You often weep for my sins and intercede for me ...
...犯罪跌倒,中了牠的诡计,看人看环境,讲对错理由,被拒绝伤害,苦毒不饶恕,自卑自怜,委屈都上来了…The enemy is also very diligent, wandering around looking for people to devour. As long as we don’t abide in the Lord and choose to love the worl...