...领四百人追赶仇敌,并得胜归来。但其中有恶人与匪类,拒绝把战利品分给没有参战的两百人。David led 400 men to pursue the enemy and returned victorious. However, there were wicked people and bandits among them who refused to share the spoils with the 200 who did n...
...稣基督来到神面前他都可以拯救到底,脱离自怜自爱,被拒绝伤害,不饶恕仇恨,We are no longer orphans; we have a Father. At any time, if we come before God through Jesus Christ, He can save us completely, delivering us from self-pity, self-love, rejection, hurt, unforg...
...,要遇到很多艰难,黑暗势力处处要拦阻和破坏,要被人拒绝,抵挡,逼迫,陷害,甚至丧掉性命…我们心里固然愿意,肉体却常常软弱… Lord, thank You for knowing that You send us out to proclaim the gospel and be witnesses for You, despite ...
...g Himself to come to earth.为全人类的罪,受尽苦痛,被羞辱、拒绝、践踏、鞭打、刑罚……从头到脚没有一处是完全的,For the sins of all humanity, He endured immense suffering, humiliation, rejection, scorn, flogging, and punishment. From head to toe, th...
...束上心中的腰,约束自己的心,警醒祷告,不放纵私欲,拒绝一切与神为仇的意念,God asks His children to prepare their hearts, restrain their desires, watch and pray, avoid indulging in lust, reject all thoughts that are against God, 谨慎自守,保守圣洁,敬...
... 主啊,求你赦免我们一切的罪,在环境里怕痛怕苦,拒绝你的训练和纠正,自保,选择逃离你洁净自己的工作,照着肉体所愿的去活着,享受罪中之乐。Lord, please forgive us for all our sins. We fear pain and suffering in our circumstances, re...
...们以你的心为心,用你的爱去爱,为着许多还不认识你、拒绝你的灵魂祈求,Lord, in these last days, let us take Your heart as our heart, love with Your love, and pray for the many souls who still don’t know You and reject You. 你怎么拯救我们,求你也施恩...
...He is our
only true treasure.就不再被世界的价值观所辖制,并拒绝任何的私欲牵引诱惑,至死忠心,为得胜而战,荣耀主名。I will no longer be controlled by worldly values, and I will reject
any temptation to follow selfish desires. I will be faithful unto death,...
大卫要为神建殿,被神拒绝了。但是神作为发起人,主动与大卫立约,赐下极其丰富的应许:David wanted to build a temple for God, but God refused. However, as the initiator, God took the initiative to make a covenant with David and granted him exceedingly rich promi...