...钉十字架!感谢你兴起的每一个考试,为要除去我的安逸懒惰,使我紧紧依靠你!Lord, please forgive me for drifting away from You, for not believing in You, and for grieving Your Holy Spirit again and again through my sins! My old self deserves only to be crucified with ...
...rist with wisdom and the Holy Spirit, exalting Christ. 主啊,你说懒惰人羡慕无所得。Lord, You said that asluggard’s appetite is never filled.当看到司提反被神称许,被使徒认可,为福音勇敢冒死前行,我心里顿时被圣灵责备,Seeing Stephen commen...
...求。主啊,你的旨意叫我们要不住地祷告,求你赦免我的懒惰、不信、自私,看重做事,却轻忽祷告…The Holy Spirit also intercedes for us according to God’s will. Lord, Your will calls us to pray without ceasing. Please forgive me for my laziness, unbel...
...ings in Christ. 主啊,这份美好的祝福我们都想得到,但懒惰人羡慕无所得。真理教导我们,一个人不能侍奉两个主,爱世界爱父的心就不在我们里面了。Lord, we all desire this wonderful blessing, but lazy people cannot obtain it through envy. The ...