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...eousness and escape the curse!求圣灵治死我里面的贪婪、诡诈、惧怕、怀疑…May the Holy Spirit put to death the greed, deceit, fear, and doubt within me, so that I may obey the truth and be an obedient servant—使我顺服真理,作顺命的奴仆,使神的义作成...
发表于 2025-01-26 23:21:42

...信神是良善的…但是遇到试验的环境,直接就抱怨、惧怕、灰心、绝望…I often say I believe that You can do all things and that You are good… Yet when trials come, I respond with complaints, fear, discouragement, and despair. 一被试验,才发现考试...
发表于 2024-10-04 19:03:09

...耳就到了,并指出扫罗做了糊涂事了。扫罗因为不信神,惧怕人,失去了何等大的祝福。祝福与咒诅是何等的真实。As soon as the sacrifice was finished, Samuel arrived and pointed out that Saul had acted foolishly. Saul lost such a great blessing because he did...
发表于 2024-07-17 18:30:14

...见彼得身上有耶稣的胆量和爱心,指出犹太人的罪,没有惧怕…People saw in Peter the courage and love of Jesus; he boldly confronted the sins of the Jews without fear…这不是天然人,而是神的性情,是圣灵在信神之人身上所结出的果子…...
发表于 2024-05-09 02:05:52

...h.” 神的灵大大感动扫罗去迎敌,耶和华使百姓都惧怕,有三十三万大军如同一人回应他的呼召,The Spirit of God greatly moved Saul to face the enemy. The Lord made the people fear, and 330,000 troops responded to his call as one.众人对那使者说:&ld...
发表于 2024-07-11 19:54:06

...s as channels of blessings.带领我们因信竭力争战,胜过自私、惧怕、忧虑、不信,擘开自己,献上自己全所有,去接待付出、舍己爱人,使万民都归向神的国度。Lead us to fight the good fight of faith, overcomeselfishness, fear, worry, and unbelief, bre...
发表于 2024-04-22 19:20:02

...our inner character and the substance of our inner life. 当亚伯拉罕因惧怕,不敢说撒拉是他的妻子,撒拉被基拉耳王带走时,撒拉没有生气、恼恨,When Abraham, out of fear, did not dare to say that Sarah was his wife, and Sarah was taken by the king of Gerar, she di...
发表于 2024-10-19 02:23:45

...the Lord. 求主赦免我不信的罪,身处逆境时,就自保、惧怕,胆怯、退缩,凭了眼见,心就消化,失去了平安,让仇敌得胜;Lord, forgive my sin of unbelief. When faced with adversity, I resort to self-preservation, fear, timidity, and retreat. I rely on w...
发表于 2024-07-18 20:02:52

...ry day and grow in the knowledge of God’s glory. 以至于不再惧怕“生老病死”。因为实际经历到了“借着住在我心里的圣灵,使我必死的身体又活过来”的能力!Through this, I will no longer fear birth, ageing, sickness, and death, be...
发表于 2025-02-09 19:09:05

... living. 主,求你赦免我,嘴巴说信你,环境中却是不信、惧怕、自保…Lord, forgive me,  for l say that I believe in You by my lips, but "in the" environment "my heart" shows my unbelief, fear, and self-preservation... 耶稣信靠天父,顺服至死,...
发表于 2024-04-03 18:20:45
